
  • Here I will go for little easy description for some of the programs and some definition in this page, if you don't understand or others terms i didn't list in here and you don't know you can mail me .

    WarezPrograms that have copy right or you can't download it on the WWW, or any illegal program that people put it in the web site, which they call it "warez site".
    PunterProgram on aol that use to Kick people offline or Freeze their computer through IM by punt string.
    NukerIt send a amount of information to the operating system that it can't process, usually will make thier computer suddenly restart .
    Mail BombSend a big amount of e-mail to your target.
    Mass Mailer(Mmer)Send a mail to many people at once.
    ServerUsually you will see some servers in the chat room , and you have to type /Server'sScreenName SEND LIST, and they will send a mail list that full of warez or MP3 , and you tell them what you want they will send you.
    UpchatLet you do anythings when you uploading
    Idel/45killerLet you stay online for 24/7.
    Room BustTry to enter a chat room with extremly fast rate.
    PhaderHelp you to type wavy and colorful words in chat,Like this.
    MP3It stand for Mpeg Audio Layer 3 , it is as good as music from CD.
    BotThere are many kinds of bot , they are use in chat , for example ,scramble bot is a game for typing the words in correct form.
    ScrollerScroll a large amount of words a once in the chat.
    VirusVirus is a program that might destroy your data, over writing data, or corrupting software, some kind of virus might be spread to other's computers by sharing floopy disk or downloading on internet,but some will not spread, there is way to protect yourself from virus such as getting yourself a anti program,you can find few scanner and anti program in the "useful stuff" section.
    Password Stealer on aol (PWS)A virus usually locate at your win.ini , what it will do is, when you type in your password in aol, and it will automaticly send a mail to that guy include your account password in , to find out if you have got this virus have many ways, but if you aol 4.0 you can check the "send mail" see if there is any mail have send to some people u doesn't know.
    Anonymous mailSend mail without using your e-mail address.
    Password Cracker (PWC)Program that trying with many password and try to access an account.
    Rainman(Remote Automated Information)Almost everythings you see on aol was creat by this tool, and with this tool you can add or remove any information on aol,and this is the tool to access Token too
    TokenIt let you gain access to any sercet area of aol.
    Visual PublisherIt is a tool used by the aol employee to creat all those graphics and things on aol, pretty similar to rainman.