IM Tricks

*Note: change all the ( ) to < >

How to send a blank IM?
Type (P) or (S) in the IM box.

How to Send a link in a faster way?

How to Turn ON or Turn OFF your IM?
Type $IM_OFF in the IM box to turn off your IM, and type $IM_ON to turn on your IM.

How to ignore a member?
In the IM box, type $IM_OFF PEOPLE TO IGNORE , make an example, if i want to ignore a member, i should type $IM_OFF SteveCase , if i want to stop ignore him i should type $IM_ON SteveCase.

How can I clone IM ?
In the IM box, copy or write the name in blue color of that person you chatting with , than type enter in front of it 10 times, then write anything behind that name, then send it.

How can i freeze people?
Fill your IM with (h3) and send it to your target, usually it takes many times.

How can I punt people?
Fill your IM with (Font =999999999999999...............more 9 ).

There are two way to sign on as a ghost, first is goto Click on setup , then click privacy preferences,then choose "BLOCK ALL MEMBERS" .

Kill Wait
Go and click "Help" on the tool bar for times quickly , then click "About American Oline"

Chat Trick
Send a blink line Type Alt + 0160 in the chat room.
Using Sound In the chat room, type on of those below:
{S Welcome ,{S IM ,{S Systemstart ,{S Drop , {S BuddyIN , {S Buddy Out ,{S Goodbye ,{S filedone

Roll Dice Type //Roll in the chat room.

Anonymous E-mail
Very useful, while you want to send a mail to a person that your mail address won't show up, click here to visit this site ,Anonymous Mail.

Room Bust
Click "Find Room" by " Name", then type the room name of the room you want to bust into, click find, highlight the room, and hold enter. This doesn't kick anyone out of the room, but you will enter in the room with extremly fast rate.

Add Categories
sometimes you might want to add more category in your profile, well, just type Ctrl + backspace . More will be add up Later.